Friday, 10 July 2009

Welcome to 2000 and Late: A Blog Review

Wow, I've actually fulfilled my idle promise to update this thing today.  I might need a lie down from the shock.

I'm a bit behind with this whole blogging thing.  Apparently people have been blogging on the Internet* for a while now, but I just recently started to take it seriously.  I've been filling up my Google Reader with blogs that I've found or that friends have recommended and I'll be writing up little reviews of them here from time to time.

I'll start with Portraits as Living Deads, which I mentioned a few posts back.  This blog is the brainchild (ha ha) of Frederik Peeters, a French guy who does drawings of celebrities as zombies.  His work is carefully done and really captures the essence of the subject.  Unfortunately, he stopped posting in May, but it's still worth checking out.  Look for footy fan favorites Zizou (Zinedine Zidane) and Man Ho (Cristiano Ronaldo).

*I refuse to say things like "blogosphere."

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