Monday, 26 October 2009

Bits and Bobs

So this isn't the first time I've neglected this blog, but it's the first time I've had a legitimate reason. I've been working a full-time job and a part-time job, so time is at a premium.


Firstly, a bit of bragging. Got my dissertation results in the mail the other day: distinction! Overall mark: distinction! Suffice it to say, I'm well chuffed.

Secondly, I've decided to participate in NaNoWriMo, which starts November 1. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month, disproving the writerly myth that one can never find time to finish a novel. Between my two jobs and trying to catch up with everyone stateside, I'm not sure I'll be finish, but I will give it a go.

Thirdly, I saw two license plates while out driving today that made me snort/roll my eyes. The first was on a big SUV and it said: TACKL U. I'll take that under advisement. The second was on a beat-up something-or-other driven by a guy who looked like he had gang aspirations. It said: POPE 14. Does he take his mother to church in that jalopy?

Fourthly, NUFC are doing very well so far this season. Yes, they have been relegated to the Championship League, but if they continue the way they are, they will back in the Premier League next season, where they belong. Hopefully by then they will lose those awful, awful away kits.

That's all for now; I'm tired.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Draw Serge!: A Blog Review

J'aime yé-yé, particulièrement Serge Gainsbourg. I don't remember how I first came to Draw Serge! (I think it was maybe David Galletly?) Anyway, it has since become a pleasant addition to my Google Reader, bringing a new portrait of Serge from a different artist every few days or so. I enjoy blogs with specific themes like this, because it's always nice to see how people can interpret something in completely different ways.

I suggest scrolling through this page while listening to Histoire de Melody Nelson with a glass of wine and a Gauloise. Or maybe not that last one because apparently cigarettes are bad for you.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Awful Library Books: A Blog Review

I like libraries. I like the obsolete card catalogs and the unnatural quiet. I like the dewey decimal system despite being shit with numbers. I like that you can borrow movies for free even though I have never done this. I just like the fact that you can. Unfortunately, public libraries aren't known for being the most up-to-date organizations.

Awful Library Books is a blog I found which focuses on whether certain tomes should be purged from the shelves. It's not about censorship, rather, it's a tongue-in-cheek look at books that are old-fashioned, outdated, or just plain odd.

Here is an example: Crafts for Retarded.
So many things to say about this one, I don't even know where to begin... the title? The swastika-decorated "Indian" tom tom?

Happy reading!

Friday, 10 July 2009

Welcome to 2000 and Late: A Blog Review

Wow, I've actually fulfilled my idle promise to update this thing today.  I might need a lie down from the shock.

I'm a bit behind with this whole blogging thing.  Apparently people have been blogging on the Internet* for a while now, but I just recently started to take it seriously.  I've been filling up my Google Reader with blogs that I've found or that friends have recommended and I'll be writing up little reviews of them here from time to time.

I'll start with Portraits as Living Deads, which I mentioned a few posts back.  This blog is the brainchild (ha ha) of Frederik Peeters, a French guy who does drawings of celebrities as zombies.  His work is carefully done and really captures the essence of the subject.  Unfortunately, he stopped posting in May, but it's still worth checking out.  Look for footy fan favorites Zizou (Zinedine Zidane) and Man Ho (Cristiano Ronaldo).

*I refuse to say things like "blogosphere."

Thursday, 9 July 2009


I am going to try to make something of this blog, maybe post some reviews of something or other.

However, that will have to start tomorrow, because I can't be bothered to do anything right now.

Friday, 12 June 2009


I turned in all of my second semester work on Monday which was a big weight off my shoulders.  Now the only work I need to worry about is my dissertation, due in at the end of August.  Oh, and trying to find a job.

In other news, I am going to be an aunt.  You all know how I feel about babies, but at least this one will have an English accent.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Zombie Sunday

Today, in the Christian world, is Easter Sunday, the day in which Jesus rose from the dead.  Technically, this makes him a zombie, no?

In Jesus's honor, I'd like to direct you to my new favorite blog: Portraits as Living Deads.


Sunday, 15 March 2009

Here's the craic.

When I was about 8 or so, I spent a lot of time listening to my mom's old records.  In particular, I listened to Simon and Garfunkel: Greatest Hits and the Godspell soundtrack.  I'm not sure why.  I don't especially like musicals all that much.

In 8th grade, I had a big crush on the guy who played Jesus in our high school production of Godspell.  This past week or so, all I've been listening to is... Simon and Garfunkel: Greatest Hits and the Godspell soundtrack.  I can't explain it.

Tuesday is St. Patrick's Day.  After my Tuesday evening class I will be boarding a plane to Dublin with some friends.  They call it St. Patrick's Week over there.  I'm pretty pumped.  We're leaving at the buttcrack of dawn Thursday morning to get back to Newcastle in time for our Thursday morning class.  Go go go.

I'll finally be having a break after next week, a month off for Easter hols.  I'm heading to Barcelona April 6 and Nice April 15.

Other than that, it's been working like mad and watching a lot of football.  I'm pretty content.

Howay man!