Wednesday 22 July 2009

Awful Library Books: A Blog Review

I like libraries. I like the obsolete card catalogs and the unnatural quiet. I like the dewey decimal system despite being shit with numbers. I like that you can borrow movies for free even though I have never done this. I just like the fact that you can. Unfortunately, public libraries aren't known for being the most up-to-date organizations.

Awful Library Books is a blog I found which focuses on whether certain tomes should be purged from the shelves. It's not about censorship, rather, it's a tongue-in-cheek look at books that are old-fashioned, outdated, or just plain odd.

Here is an example: Crafts for Retarded.
So many things to say about this one, I don't even know where to begin... the title? The swastika-decorated "Indian" tom tom?

Happy reading!

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